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7 Things You Didn't Know About Beer

1) Beer Isn’t Always Best Served As Cold As Possible

Flavor actually emerges with a bit of added warmth similar to wine, which is typically served much warmer than you’d see at your local sorority house. Ice Cold Barefoot…yikes. In addition, shotgunning an ice cold beer is for Eskimos and Icelandic Viking people. Warm that bad boy up, crack it with a BeerkShark and slurp up that golden nectar of the gods.

2) Shotgunning A Beer Isn’t That Hard

You just might not have the right tools for the job. The BeerShark give you a pristine hole to shotgun from and if that doesn’t help and you still think it’s hard then…well…get you a glass of wine champ. Might be able to snag a cup of frozen barefoot from Delta Zeta down the street.

Fun Fact Break: For you cultured folk, something to look for at a brewery or other fancy beer place is the homogeny of the bubbles in the foam. For the most part, nicer beers will have a variety of different bubble sizes within the foam while your light beers and more “shotgunnable” beers will have the same bubbles throughout. BOOM. Go tell that to somebody next time your out and sound smart.

3) Cenosillicaphobia is the fear of an empty beer glass

Pretty sure we’ve all got this disease. Fill’r back up.

4) Yuengling & Son Was The First Brewery In The United States

Yuengling was established in1829 by none other than, David Yuengling. The Brewery, located in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, was originally named the Eagle Brewery before changing their name to Yuengling & Son in 1873. Next time you drink a Yuengling, just remember you’re drinking the oldest beer in America. Pinkies up.

5) The World's Strongest Beer Is 65.7% ABV

The Scottish Brewery, Brewmeister unveiled Snake Venom which sits at a whopping 65.7 percent ABV. At $80 you’ll probably only need one of these bad boys before calling a cab and attempting to figure out what’s up and what’s down. Plug the nose ladies and gentlemen.

6) Non-Alcoholic Beer Is Typically Actually A Little Alcoholic

Because some alcohol naturally occurs during the beer making process even non-alcoholic beers will more often than not have the slightest amount of confidence in them. Now, that’s not saying it’s possible to get drunk with them bad boys…you’d probably need to drink a good 24 of ‘em to feel tipsy.

7) China-Based Snow Is The Most Popular Beer In The World

At 101.2 Million Hectoliters sold Snow outranks #2 Budweiser by over 50 Million. Drink up America.

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